
Fresco YO Classico JOG contains live lactic cultures specifically selected for yogurt preparation, including Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Thanks to CLASSICO YOG yogurt cultures, it is possible to create yogurt with very moderate acidity, a characteristic aroma, rich in live lactic cultures, and with a creamy and compact texture.

These carefully researched characteristics ensure extraordinary homogeneity in the yogurts you can prepare and customize at home, even using different types of milk.

Does not contain fats or added sugars.

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Difficulty: Easy

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Servings: 7 jars

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Storage: 20/30 days

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Preparation: 15 min. + 10 hours +
fermentation + cooling

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Ingredients: 1L of milk + 1 sachet
of Classico JOG Yogurt Cultures

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Needed: Saucepan, whisk


Easy in just 3 steps

Step 1

Heat the milk

  • Pour the milk into the saucepan and place on the stove.
  • Heat to a temperature between 37 and 40°C.
  • Once the indicated temperature is reached, remove the saucepan from the heat.

The heat treatment helps improve the structure of the final product, giving it more creaminess and homogeneity.

Step 2

Yogurt preparation

  • Yogurt preparation Pour the contents of the Classico JOG Yogurt Cultures sachet and stir until any lumps dissolve.

Attention: never add the cultures at a temperature above 45°C.

In the meantime, preheat the oven to 40-50°C, once the temperature is reached, turn off the oven.

Step 3


  • Pour the content into the jars, close with lids, place them in the oven, and let them ferment for at least 10 hours. Make sure the oven temperature does not drop below 37°C. Once fermentation is complete, refrigerate for at least 6/8 hours before consuming.

Any separation of the whey after product fermentation is entirely natural.


  • Alternatively, fermentation can be done by wrapping the jars in a blanket or placing them near a heat source, such as a radiator (Step 3).
  • You can also easily prepare your yogurt using kitchen machines capable of heating the mixture. In this case, we recommend following the recipes suggested by the manufacturers of your machines. Our recipes are still a reliable reference for their preparation.
  • The thickness of the final result may vary depending on the type of milk used.

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